Written By Andrew Petrovics
Last updated 4 months ago
The content analyzer analyzes your blog post for various metrics to ensure you have a high quality blog post.

You can access the content analyzer for a particular blog post by clicking on the ellipsis (three little dots) button to the right of the Export button and clicking the “Content Analyzer” option as shown below.

The content analyzer will analyze the content to give it a readability score based on Flesch reading-ease. The lower the grade level the easier the content is to read. The desired readability will depend on the targeted audience for your blog post.

Content Structure
The structure of your blog post will also be analyzed to ensure the content is optimized for easy readability. Word count, long sections, long sentences, long paragraphs, image count, and link count are all things that will be looked at and flagged if necessary.

Key phrase Analysis
If you optimized your blog on a particular key phrase then your blog post will analyzed to ensure it is adequately optimized on said key phrase.