Publication Analytics

Written By Andrew Petrovics

Last updated 15 days ago

All publications come with built analytics so you can monitor the traffic for your entire publication and each blog post and page.

How to View Analytics

You can access your publication’s analytics by clicking the chart icon next to your publication on the publications page.

Analytics Overview

Currently, you will see 3 main metrics for your publication (Views, Outbound Clicks, and Visit Duration) along with a break down of these metrics for each published blog post and page.


This is how many total views your publication has had for the selected time frame.

Outbound Clicks

This is the number of times someone has clicked a link on your publication that lead to an outbound website (like your YouTube channel, external website, affiliate link, etc.) for the selected time frame.

Visit Duration

This is the average time people spend on your publication for the selected time frame.

You can view charts for each of these three main metrics by clicking the drop down right above the chart.

You can select a time frame by clicking the drop down on the top right of the page as shown below.

Breakdown by Blog Post and Page

Scroll down to see a breakdown by blog post or page.

If you want to view breakdowns by pages (instead of blog posts) click on the drop down on top left and click the Pages option as shown below…

This will show a breakdown of your pages which include the home page, any page you’ve created, and pages for any tags you have created.

You can also switch how the blog posts and pages are ordered by clicking the drop down in the top right as shown below.

Analytics for Blog Post and/or Page

To see more in depth analytics for a particular blog post or page, simply click on any post or page in the Analytics overview.

This view will show you a much more detailed breakdown of views, outbound clicks, source, outbound links, top countries, and devices.