Customizing Publications

Written By Andrew Petrovics

Last updated 23 days ago

Customize and manage your publication at any time simply by clicking 🌐 icon in the left side panel and then clicking on your publication.

Title & Description

Your site title and description are used to identify your website on the web. These will be shown in search results are elsewhere.

Simply click the edit button next to each field to edit.

Design & Branding

To edit the design and branding of your website click the Customize button next to Design & Branding.

This will bring up the publication editor where you can add a logo, change your front, specify an accent color, and much more.


Pages are a way for you to create static content for your publication. They can be used to create an about page, contact page, and/or more. Pages are usually linked to in the Navigation Menu or elsewhere on your site.

Create a new page

To create a new page click the Add Page button as shown below.

Next, give the page a title and click “Create Page”

This will bring up the Page editor as shown below.

Next, add some content to your page and once your are done click the “Publish” button to publish your page.

You can also click on the sidebar icon to bring up Page settings which will allow you to edit the page’s slug and description.

Editing Pages

You can edit pages anytime by clicking on them in your publication.

Navigation Menu

Add links to internal pages and/or external websites on your publication’s header by adding navigation menus.

Add a new menu

To add a new navigation menu simply click the “Add Menu” button.

This will bring up the navigation menu dialog where you can add a label, select a navigation menu type, and an internal page or external website to link to.

Editting menus

You can edit menu anytime by clicking on them in settings.

Reorder menus

Change the order of menus by clicking the up and down arrows next to each menu in settings.

Social Media Links

You can add links to all your social media sites and they will appear your site’s header and footer.

Add a Social Media Link

To add a social media link, simply click the “Add Link” button as shown below.

This will bring up the social media link dialog where you can select a social media type and then enter a link to your social media account. Then, click the “Create Social Media Link” button and that’s it!

Edit a Social Media Link

To edit a social media link after you’ve created it, simply click on it.

To change the order of how your social media links show on your site, use the up and down arrows next to each social media link.


You can create tags for you publication that can be used to tag blog posts.

For each tag that is created, a separate webpage (located at /tag/<tag-slug>) will be created where your readers can access all blogs published under that tag. You can also link to tag pages in the navigation menu as well as create sections on your home page for each tag (using the “Group by tags” option available in the customization dialog).

Add a Tag

To create a tag simply click the “Add Tag” button as shown below.

This will bring up the tag dialog where you can enter a name, slug, and an optional description for your tag. Then, click the “Create Tag” button as shown below.

Good to know: You can also create tags when publishing blog posts.

Edit a Tag

You can edit and delete tags simply by clicking on them in Settings.

Tagging Blog Posts

You can tag blog posts when publishing them (see Published Blog Posts).


Add and mange editors in settings. These editors can be selected when you go to publish a blog post to your publication.

Add an editor

To add an editor simply click the “Add Editor” button.

Next, fill out the author’s information and click the “Create Editor” button.

Edit an editor

You can edit an editor’s information at any time by clicking on the editor.

Delete an editor

You can delete an editor at anytime by clicking on the editor and the clicking the more button to the top right and clicking the “Delete Editor” button.

Good to know: Deleting an editor will mean this editor will not show on any published blog posts that were previously edited by this editor.


You can customize the public URL where your publication lives.

Subdomain (Video To Blog)

By default, all publications are given a subdomain on to host your publication.

You can edit your subdomain at any time by clicking the Edit button next to your subdomain.

This will bring up a dialog where you can edit your subdomain. Simply enter a new domain and click “Update”.

Good to know: Subdomains have to be unique so your desired subdomain might not be available if someone has already taken it.

Custom Domains / Subdomains

You can also connect a custom domain to your publication. To do so, click the “Add a custom domain” button as shown below.

This will bring up the Custom Domain dialog where you can enter your custom domain.

Important! In order for your custom domain to successfully connect, you’ll need to add one or two A records to your domain settings as described in the dialog.

Good to know: You can also enter a custom subdomain like In this case you’ll only need to add one A record to your domain provider settings for the subdomain.

Good to know: Domain changes can take up to 48 hours to fully take effect.

Once you make those changes, enter your custom domain, and the click the Connect button.

Next, you’ll see the status of your custom domain connection as shown below.

It will take at least a couple minutes to fully connect and will often take much longer (up to 48 hours) for the changes you made to your domain to fully propagate through.

You can see more information about your custom domain connection status by clicking on the label.

This will open a dialog where you will see more information on what exactly is going on with the custom domain connection.

Once the custom domain is fully connected and all domain changes have fully propagated through, you’ll see a green success indicator as shown below.

Reminder: It can take up to 48 hours for your A record changes on your domain settings to fully take effect.


You can delete your publication at any time by clicking the more button (top right) and clicking the “Delete Publication” button.