Written By Andrew Petrovics
Last updated About 1 month ago
Export your blog posts to your publication by clicking the “Export” button on your blog post and then click the “Publish” button next to your publication.

Note: To learn more about creating a publication see here.
This will bring up the Publish dialog where you can specify a featured image, URL slug, author, tags, featured, and more.

Once you have filled in all the information, click the “Publish Now” button to publish your post.
After your blog post is published, you can edit any of the fields at any time by clicking the side bar icon button as shown below.

This will bring up the Blog Settings side bar where you can make any changes to any published settings…

Any changes made to these settings will be published and live right away.
Any changes made to the actual blog content itself (after being published), you will need to click the “Update” button (shown two screenshots above).
You can always unpublish your blog post by pressing the “Unpublish” button (shown two screenshots above).